Monday, July 28, 2008

Hike adds color to your cheeks!

So, I got back last Thursday from my backpacking trip. Yes, I wore clothes most of the time. It was so fun. I camped at a campground in the Unitas on Tuesday and on Wednesday I hiked up to Amethyst lake. It was about a 5 miles trip, the last 3 of which were uphill. Yes, I was packing all of my gear- and you know what? I made it. It was a beautiful hike- the wildflowers were in bloom and the trail crossed several beautiful streams. Actually, there wasn't much of a trail past a certain point, but that's okay.

I camped in a meadow about 1/2 mile from the lake (there were boy scouts with horses at the lake) and did some exploring. I hiked over to Ostler Lake (really no trail this time- found it with a compass) and that was great. I was the only one there- no commotion. I camped in the meadow and had some great beef stew for dinner (dehydrated and then rehydrated using hot water). I spent some time at the lake the next morning and then headed back down the mountain.

Going up took more energy than going down, but I was more sore from going down- weird calf muscles in use I guess. Overall though, I suprised myself at how well I handled it physically. The mosquitos were out in full force and despite an entire can of OFF (travel size mind you) I still have quite a few souvenirs. Oh, and no pictures because I forgot to put the batteries into the camera.


Ashby Family said...

You're awesome Gretchen. My dad would be SOOOO jealous right now if he read your post. He loves to back pack and just get away from it all. He is taking my mom on a week long trip next month. The pictures from last were hilarious because my mom is like 5'3 maybe and her pack went at least a foot and a half above her little head!

Jessica said...

wow! i'm so proud of you and your adventure! I wish I could've been there--sounds beautiful!

Sarah said...

fun! i have to admit that your title got me curious :) sounds beautiful.

Gosfam said...

Wow what an experience. You tackling all this by yourself is crazy. I don't think I would have been so brave. Fun times for you!!!