Sunday, June 01, 2008

If I hear the words "Extra Credit?" one more time...

I can make it. I can make it. I can make it. Two more days before grades are final. In the meantime...heaven help the next kid that asks me for extra credit! Students do a lot of irritating things some of which bug me more than others. One of my top five is students asking for extra credit starting about 2 weeks before the end of a grading period. Here are the reasons why it makes me so unbelievably grumpy:

  • Collecting and grading extra credit just makes more work for me.
  • Students cheat on extra credit assignments
  • Students don't understand that it is a privilege, NOT an entitlement
  • Why should I let a student who has a 32% do enough extra credit to pass? Isn't it against some ethical code to pass a student who has absolutely no understanding of the material?
  • Why can't the panic about passing my class start at the BEGINNING of the quarter??
  • If a student hasn't been doing their assignments during the quarter, why on earth should I give them MORE work?
  • They assume I like them. Most of the time I do, but not when they interrupt class, sleep through class, throw things at the garbage can and miss, text, skip class, etc. No, you are not my "favorite student", yes, I can live with myself if I fail you, and having you behave in class is worth infinitely more than the $100/apple pie/car wash you are offering me.
Bottom line- the more you ask me about extra credit, the LESS likely I am to offer any!


Anna said...

I had a teacher once that said the very first day of class, THERE WILL BE NO EXTRA CREDIT. This means you actually have to do the work that is assigned! What you earn is what you get!

Maybe you should try that for next year.

Sarah said...

that sounds like a good policy to me! giving extra credit to students who are failing seems like it would just encourage the bad behavior anyway - they don't have to actually do the work during the semester, just some crazy project at the very end. maybe you should just fail them all and make it easy on yourself. j/k :)
hey - dave said something to me today about going to live in fiji, and it totally brought back some great memories! remember all the trips we had planned??

Bry and Meliss said...

AMEN to that! I only substitute teach, and I wish I could have failed some of the high school kids I had for one day. They are something else! Stay strong! Those kids with a 32% DON'T DESERVE passing! They need to learn to WORK for their grades!!

Ashby Family said...

Oh do I remember those days of "please can I do some extra credit! My parents are going to..." Preschoolers fortunately don't need extra credit. I'm also glad I don't have to be the one to grade the work I make the students in the secondary schools turn in when I go sub once a week. I think I'm doing pretty good though when I have them mumbling "man, she's just like my Mom!"

Girl Who Can't Cook said...

Hiya...I'm a teacher from NZ and it drives me crazy when students ask me whether they can "resubmit" or take another assessment especially when they've been (a) BONE LAZY all year (b) disruptive in class (c)both!!! I think by allowing them to resubmit, I'm paying the price (extra marking, supervising assessmnts) of the students' laziness/can't be arsedness/stupid behaviour. So NO!!! NO RESUBMITS!!! :)