Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Experience of a Lifetime

So, the absolute coolest thing...I got to play the tabernacle organ in Salt Lake City on Temple Square!!! Yes, the actual organ. 11,000+ pipes and all! I played 2 verses of Redeemer of Israel. I didn't set the stops myself. I am getting better with registration but the tabernacle organ isn't just any organ (duh). First verse was principals and reeds, second verse added a mixture. We got to go through the pipes and see the different styles and shapes and sizes of all of the pipes. We also got to look through the antiphonal organ (the one where the pipes sound from the back of the tabernacle). Playing the antiphonal ranks was crazy. When you play a scale, the pipes are sounding about 2 notes behind what you are playing. The purpose would be for special effects or for congregational singing (to keep everyone together). I also learned that the organist is the one who is in charge of changing the colors of the background lights. As if they don't have enough to keep track of!

We also got to see the huge blower for the air that goes into the pipes. The air has to be brought to the right temperature, pressure, and humidity before it goes into the organ. The barometric pressure is actually what makes the organ go out of tune more than the temperature. The organ goes through a complete tuning twice a year and during the rest of the year as needed. I bet I can think of a chemistry problem...gas laws anyone?

Bottom of the best musical experiences of my life. Just to think of history housed in the tabernacle and the spirit found there is awesome. And to think that I got a chance to play!


Jessica said...

how cool! I'm glad you sent me you're blog address! I love it! You got to play that organ!!! Wow! I always wanted to have an experience like that and see how it all works! Thanks for your comment. How did I do it all before Christmas? started super early and almost got burned out (oh yeah and it helps to not work full time or not even work at all). A lot of those Christmasy things helped to keep Riley entertain more than anything. We did a lot of the decorating and shopping before Thanksgiving! Will you be coming home this weekend?!?!

Unknown said...

Gretchen! Sorry I never comment on your blog, but I think that is SO COOL that you got to play the tabernacle organ! And yes, you SHOULD keep a are actually witty and funny and a great writer! Send me your address when you get a chance. I hope you had a good Christmas!